The tenth session of the OOPC was held at WMO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Being at the WMO allowed for close interaction with GCOS, WCRP, JCOMM, the WMO Information System (WIS), and THORPEX. The science focus was on the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) and on Subtropical Cells (STCs). CLIVAR representation included basin panel representatives and the chair of the Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP).
1. Opening |
- D.E. Harrison presentation
pdf: download
Introduction for OOPC-X
2. Science focus |
2.1 State of the Oceans 2004-2005 |
- R. Reynolds presentation
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SST and Sea Ice May 2004 - April 2005
- A. Fischer presentation
pdf: download
State of the Ocean 2004-2005: climate indices and anomalies
- D. E. Harrison presentation
pdf: download (same file as Agenda item 1, start at slide 14)
Ocean indices: sea ice extent, tropical Pacific, subsurface ocean
2.2 Invited presentation: Measuring the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) |
- M. Visbeck presentation
pdf: download
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: What observations are needed?
2.3 Invited presentation: Subtropical Cells (STC) |
- F. Schott presentation
pdf: download
Variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation of the tropical-subtropical ocean: Observations and models
3. Sponsor reports and liaison with other international groups |
3.1 GCOS including the Implementation Plan |
- A. Thomas presentation
pdf: download
Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC
3.2 GOOS including the coastal GOOS strategic implementation plan |
- D. E. Harrison presentation
pdf: download (same file as Agenda item 1, start at slide 39)
Eighth session of the GOOS Steering Committee
3.3 WCRP: overview and focus on WOAP and GSOP |
- V. Detemmerman presentation
pdf: download
Recommendations arising from CLIVAR SSG-13 and the assessment
- V. Detemmerman presentation
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WCRP presentation to OOPC-X
3.4 JCOMM |
- E. Cabrera presentation
pdf: download
Global operational oceanography: JCOMM and OOPC
- M. Johnson presentation
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JCOMM Observations Programme Area
3.5 GEO |
- G. Duchossois presentation
pdf: download
Report on GEO/GEOSS Activities
3.6 Others: POGO, IGBP, IPY |
- D. E. Harrison presentation
pdf: download (same file as Agenda item 1, slide 47)
Partnership for Observing the Global Oceans (POGO)
- M. Hood presentation

IGBP SOLAS and IMBER Programmes
- E. Sarukhanian presentation
ppt: download
International Polar Year 2007-8
4. Satellite observations |
4.1 Requirements for climate observations and status report, including the European GMES initiative |
- J. Johannessen presentation
pdf: download
Satellite observations in the context of climate change and GMES
4.2 Working with the international satellite planning process |
- D. Hinsman presentation
pdf: download
The WMO Space Programme
5. Experiments, Programs, and Projects |
5.1 Ocean Analysis and Reanalysis |
5.1.1 CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP) |
- D. Stammer presentation
pdf: download
CLIVAR's Global Synthesis and Observations Panel
5.1.2 WCRP Observations and Assimilation Panel (WOAP) |
5.1.3 GODAE |
- N. Smith presentation
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GODAE (presented by Harrison)
5.1.4 MERSEA and other European initiatives |
- J. Johannessen presentation
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The MERSEA Integrated Project and some other relevant European Initiatives
5.1.5 SST/Sea Ice WG and Marine Historical Data Workshop |
- R. Reynolds presentation
pdf: download
NOAA OI SST Analysis Changes and Implications for the Buoy Network
5.2 CLIVAR |
5.2.1 Atlatic Ocean Panel |
- M. Visbeck and W. Hazeleger presentation
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CLIVAR Atlantic perspective (presented by Visbeck)
5.2.2 Indian Ocean Panel |
- G. Meyers and F. Schott presentation
pdf: download
Sustained Ocean OS for Climate and Operational Oceanography in the Indian Ocean (presented by Schott)
5.2.3 Southern Ocean Panel |
- K. Speer and S. Rintoul presentation
pdf: download
CLIVAR-CliC-SCAR Southern Ocean Panel (presented by Fischer)
5.2.4 Pacific Ocean Panel and South Pacific workshop |
- A. Caetano presentation
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CLIVAR Pacific Ocean Panel
- A. Caetano presentation
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South Pacific workshop agenda
5.3 Carbon hydrography and carbon fluxes |
- M. Hood presentation
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Ocean Carbon/hydrography and surface fluxes
5.4 Sea level |
- M. Johnson presentation
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Global Sea Level Change and the Observing System
5.5 JCOMM Ship Observations Team |
- A. Fischer presentation
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JCOMM Ship Observations Team update
5.6 Argo |
- J. Gould presentation
pdf: download
Argo: status, activities, challenges, looking to the future (presented by Harrison)
5.7 VOSClim and VOS status |
- P. Taylor presentation
pdf: download
VOSClim and VOS status
5.8 OceanSITES Reference Sites |
- R. Weller presentation
pdf: download
International Time Series Science Team
5.9 WCRP Working Group on Surface Fluxes and SURFA |
- R. Weller and D. E. Harrison presentation
pdf: download
WCRP Working Group on Surface Fluxes (presented by Weller)
5.10 Japanese sustained ocean observing programs |
- Y. Michida presentation
pdf: download
Japanese activities of sustained ocean observation
5.11 Towards routine biogeochemical/ecosystems measurements |
- T. Dickey presentation
pdf: download
Towards routine biogeochemical/ecosystems measurements
6. Data Management |
6.1 Progress and a Vision for the Future |
- R. Keeley presentation
pdf: download
Data management for OOPC-X
6.2 WMO Information System and Metadata standard |
- J.-M.Rainer presentation
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WMO Information System
- P. Kehervé presentation
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Interoperability of Information Systems
7. Cooperation in Observational Strategy with Other Programs |
7.1 Natural Hazard Warnings including Tsunami |
7.2 THORPEX Weather Prediction |
- J. Caughey presentation
pdf: download
8. OOPC Future Directions |
9. Review of Actions for the next intersessional period |
10. Next Meeting |