GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

Data Management

An integral part of an ocean observing system is the data management standards, agreements, and structures that allow data to flow from the observing platform to the user, whether that be a scientist directly, or a creator of climate information or products.

The IOC has adopted an oceanographic data exchange policy, encouraging the timely, free and unrestricted access to data, associated metadata and products. General adherence to this policy is good, though a strict system of monitoring is yet to be put in place.

Coordination at the international level of data systems, standards, assembly and quality control are undertaken in cooperation by IODE and JCOMM, working with many implementation panels and groups of scientists.

Real-time ocean data is available from a variety of sources depending on the platform. In situ data for real-time ocean forecasting is generally sourced from one of these two servers:

  • Coriolis data service
  • US GODAE data server

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