GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

Integrated global analysis products:
Ocean analysis, reanalysis, data assimilation and forecasting systems

The investment in observing platforms and data systems requires also an investment in the creation of climate information and products to achieve the goals of the ocean observing system for climate. The ocean analysis, reanalysis, and forecasting systems are a crucial link in creating the information and products needed for climate monitoring, prediction, and research, as well as in underpinning operational oceanography.

Ocean climate reanalysis

International coordination of ocean climate reanalysis projects is led by the CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel GSOP. Information about the different efforts including their domain, resolution, coverage in time, and how to obtain the product, are found at the CLIVAR Ocean Synthesis/Reanalysis Directory »

Ocean analysis and forecasting

International coordination of ocean forecasting projects is led by the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment GODAE.


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